
Anti-Racism &
Racial Justice Task Force

Mission Statement: The mission of Market Square’s Antiracism & Racial Justice Task Force is to identify and seek to dismantle systemic racism in all areas of congregational life—including worship, education, mission, and governance—both within the church and in the communities it serves.

Task: Define antiracism and racial justice as it relates to Market Square's mission statement: "To proclaim and live the Good News of Jesus Christ by welcoming friend & stranger alike into our diverse and inclusive family of faith regardless of race, class, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or worldly condition of any kind as we celebrate our gifts, work for justice, peace, and a sustainable environment, reach out in mission, and witness to God's transforming love."

Ecology Action Committee

The Ecology Action Committee (EAC) started in 2009 as a subcommittee of the Peacemaking Committee.

The Members Accept the Following Mission Statement:

The Eco-team at MSPC is an educational and advocacy arm of the Peacemaking Committee created to inspire our member households and the congregation to care for God’s earth and to raise the awareness of the impact of climate change on all forms of life. As people of faith we understand that climate change is a moral issue that demands our active and prayerful responses through worship, educational programs, changes in our habits and support of legislation.

From EAC efforts, MSPC has become an Earth Care Congregation which is part of the Social Justice and Peacemaking Unit of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). EAC also encouraged MSPC to become a member of Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light (PA IPL). Both of these required Session approval. During the year, EAC offers educational programs (usually Adult Forums in April and September) and advocates to our elected officials about issues that impact the climate crisis. EAC partners with PennFuture, PA IPL, and Conservation Voters of PA throughout the year to learn about issues and ways we can advocate. EAC encourages the congregation of MSPC to learn about why we do what we do and, hopefully, join us in our efforts.

Interested in learning more about the Ecology Action Committee?
Contact Nancy in the church office at sheets@marketsquarechurch.org.

LGBTQ+ & Allies Committee

The need for such a committee stems from the role churches have played in excluding and persecuting LBGTQ+ Christians. The institutional church has much work to do to repair the brokenness of LBGTQ+ Christians who have been brutalized from the pulpit and thrown out of their churches. Many LBGTQ+ Christians are seeking communities of faith where they can find healing and hope. The committee participates in and staffs a booth at the Central PA Pridefest each year; hosts attendees from the Keystone Conference: A Celebration of Gender Diversity; and places ads in local papers/magazines/programs such as Central PA Voice, The Burg, Gay Men’s Chorus program, and Womyn’s Chorus program. Our Mission Statement explicitly includes sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.

The committee staffs an MSPC booth at Pridefest.

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