What We Believe

Why What We Believe Matters

What do you expect when you go to church? Friendly people, inspiring worship, uplifting music, lovely surroundings? All of these - but above all, many of us are looking for sanctuary.

We tend to think of sanctuary as the space in a church building where people worship. But it is MUCH more than that. Sanctuary literally means “a place of refuge or safety.”

We come to church looking for a place that will accept us, challenge us, comfort us, and care about us. That place is Market Square. In fact our mission statement says it all…

Our Mission:

To proclaim & live the Good News of Jesus Christ by welcoming friend & stranger alike into our diverse and inclusive family of faith regardless of race, class, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or worldly condition of any kind as we celebrate our gifts, work for justice, peace, and a sustainable environment, reach out in mission, and witness to God's transforming love.

"Our beliefs are how we live out our mission."

We Believe

  • GOD IS ONE GOD in three persons (Creator/Mother/Father, Jesus/Christ/Son, and Holy Spirit).
  • THE BIBLE is the word of God, but the Bible is not God. While the Bible is authoritative, it is not inerrant. It is a witness to God’s interactions with human beings which helps us to interpret our responsibility in our society and culture.
  • SIN + GRACE. God chooses us—this is what grace is. Even though we are sinful, God’s love is unconditional — we can’t earn it or lose it by anything we do. That is what grace is—a gift freely given despite our sinful nature.
  • INCLUSIVITY means that the Gospel is FOR EVERYBODY. All are welcome. Every person reflects a part of the image of God (imago dei) not despite who they are, but because of it. So we welcome and embrace everyone who comes here.
  • CREATION is God’s gift to all. We are called to be stewards of this earth. Thus, we work to protect our precious planet, protecting people, animals, and all creation.
  • JUSTICE is what Jesus calls us to show—to care for the poor, the marginalized, and all who are oppressed and in need. We advocate for the welfare of all people, offering hospitality to immigrants and refugees, and we strive to care for the city’s homeless population. We seek to learn about racism, and act on our responsibility.
  • MUSIC and THE ARTS help reveal God to us, and give us a way to worship and praise God. Music and the arts reveal to us the awesome majesty of God. We are committed to supporting musicians and artists in our congregation and community.
  • REFORMED TRADITION. Finally, our beliefs at Market Square Presbyterian Church are firmly rooted in the Protestant reformed tradition of the Presbyterian Church (USA). At the core of Presbyterian beliefs you will find: the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, justification by grace through faith, and the priesthood of all believers.
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